Journal Impact Factor 2003

A | B - C | D - F | G - I | J | K - O | P - R | S - Z | Index |

Abbreviation Journal Title ISSN NCBI ID IF 2003
S AFR J ANIM SCI South African Journal Of Animal Science. 0375-1589 28087 0,143
S AFR J BOT South African journal of botany : official journal of the South African Association of Botanists = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir plantkunde : amptelike tydskrif van die Suid-Afrikaanse Genootskap van P 0254-6299 21601 0,462
S AFR J CHEM-S-AFR T South African journal of chemistry. Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir chemie. 0379-4350 8731 0,24
S AFR J SCI South African journal of science. 0038-2353 8688 0,93
S AFR J SURG South African journal of surgery. Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir chirurgie. 0038-2361 7362 0,119
SAR QSAR ENVIRON RES SAR and QSAR in environmental research. 1062-936X 20200 1,83
SARCOIDOSIS VASC DIF Sarcoidosis, vasculitis, and diffuse lung diseases : official journal of WASOG / World Association of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders. 1124-0490 20422 3
SARSIA Sarsia. 0036-4827 22398 0,449
SAUDI MED J Saudi medical journal. 0379-5284 21935 0,306
SCAND AUDIOL Scandinavian audiology. 0105-0397 7406 0,333
SCAND CARDIOVASC J Scandinavian cardiovascular journal : SCJ. 1401-7431 20623 0,573
SCAND J CLIN LAB INV Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation. 0036-5513 7408 1,016
SCAND J GASTROENTERO Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology. 0036-5521 7411 2,14
SCAND J IMMUNOL Scandinavian journal of immunology. 0300-9475 7415 1,942
SCAND J INFECT DIS Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases. 0036-5548 7416 1,117
SCAND J MED SCI SPOR Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports. 0905-7188 20220 0,931
SCAND J PLAST RECONS Scandinavian journal of plastic and reconstructive surgery and hand surgery / Nordisk plastikkirurgisk forening [and] Nordisk klubb for handkirurgi. 0284-4311 7441 0,268
SCAND J PRIM HEALTH Scandinavian journal of primary health care. 0281-3432 7186 0,552
SCAND J PUBLIC HEALT Scandinavian journal of public health. 1403-4948 21448 1,018
SCAND J RHEUMATOL Scandinavian journal of rheumatology. 0300-9742 7420 1,821
SCAND J UROL NEPHROL Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology. 0036-5599 7428 0,612
SCAND J WORK ENV HEA Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health. 0355-3140 7446 1,816
SCANNING Scanning. 0161-0457 2621 0,733
SCHIZOPHR RES Schizophrenia research. 0920-9964 1862 4,072
SCHIZOPHRENIA BULL Schizophrenia bulletin. 0586-7614 7435 2,643
SCHMERZ Schmerz (Berlin, Germany) 0932-433X 26830 0,813
SCHWEIZ ARCH TIERH Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde. 0036-7281 7444 0,358
SCI ALIMENT Sciences des aliments. 0240-8813 22755 0,383
SCI AM Scientific American. 0036-8733 7458 3,282
SCI CHINA SER C Science in China. Series C, Life sciences / Chinese Academy of Sciences. 1006-9305 20339 0,44

Abbreviation Journal Title ISSN NCBI ID IF 2003
SCI CONTEXT Science in context. 0269-8897 23069 0,208
SCI ENG ETHICS Science and engineering ethics. 1353-3452 22018 0,548
SCI HORTIC-AMSTERDAM Scientia horticulturae. 0304-4238 22886 0,54
SCI JUSTICE Science & justice : journal of the Forensic Science Society. 1355-0306 8762 0,791
SCI MAR Scientia marina. 0214-8358 30134 0,635
SCI SPORT Science & sports. 0765-1597 22776 0,114
SCI TOTAL ENVIRON The Science of the total environment. 0048-9697 7472 1,455
SCIENCE Science. 0036-8075 7473 29,162
SCIENTIST Scientist (Philadelphia, Pa.) 0890-3670 27448 0,284
SCIENTOMETRICS Scientometrics. 0138-9130 25669 1,251
SCOT MED J Scottish medical journal. 0036-9330 7474 0,315
SEDIMENTOLOGY Sedimentology. 0037-0746 22613 1,615
SEED SCI RES Seed science research. 0960-2585 26849 1,164
SEIZURE-EUR J EPILEP Seizure : the journal of the British Epilepsy Association. 1059-1311 8564 1,102
SEMIN ARTHRITIS RHEU Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism. 0049-0172 7485 2,598
SEMIN CANCER BIOL Seminars in cancer biology. 1044-579X 1211 5,495
SEMIN CELL DEV BIOL Seminars in cell & developmental biology. 1084-9521 20707 4,761
SEMIN CUTAN MED SURG Seminars in cutaneous medicine and surgery. 1085-5629 20445 2,204
SEMIN DIAGN PATHOL Seminars in diagnostic pathology. 0740-2570 7162 2,023
SEMIN DIALYSIS Seminars in dialysis. 0894-0959 21681 2,041
SEMIN HEMATOL Seminars in hematology. 0037-1963 7490 3,719
SEMIN IMMUNOL Seminars in immunology. 1044-5323 1183 5,964
SEMIN LIVER DIS Seminars in liver disease. 0272-8087 7498 6,524
SEMIN NEPHROL Seminars in nephrology. 0270-9295 7170 2,142
SEMIN NEUROL Seminars in neurology. 0271-8235 7166 1,025
SEMIN NUCL MED Seminars in nuclear medicine. 0001-2998 7493 3,431
SEMIN ONCOL Seminars in oncology. 0093-7754 7488 4,733
SEMIN PERINATOL Seminars in perinatology. 0146-0005 7499 1,413
SEMIN RADIAT ONCOL Seminars in radiation oncology. 1053-4296 20840 3,604
SEMIN REPROD MED Seminars in reproductive medicine. 1526-8004 21981 1,575

Abbreviation Journal Title ISSN NCBI ID IF 2003
SEMIN ROENTGENOL Seminars in roentgenology. 0037-198X 7495 0,887
SEMIN THROMB HEMOST Seminars in thrombosis and hemostasis. 0094-6176 7481 1,906
SEMIN ULTRASOUND CT Seminars in ultrasound, CT, and MR. 0887-2171 1659 0,851
SENSOR ACTUAT A-PHYS Sensors and actuators. A, Physical. 0924-4247 29714 1,422
SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical. 0925-4005 30007 2,391
SEX PLANT REPROD Sexual plant reproduction. 0934-0882 8294 1,705
SEX TRANSM DIS Sexually transmitted diseases. 0148-5717 7382 2,243
SEX TRANSM INFECT Sexually transmitted infections. 1368-4973 21009 1,732
SHOCK Shock (Augusta, Ga.) 1073-2322 8584 2,542
SIAM J APPL MATH SIAM journal on applied mathematics. 0036-1399 28225 1,437
SKELETAL RADIOL Skeletal radiology. 0364-2348 7520 0,821
SKIN RES TECHNOL Skin research and technology : official journal of International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin (ISBS) [and] International Society for Digital Imaging of Skin (ISDIS) [and] International Soci 0909-752X 22357 0,79
SLEEP Sleep. 0161-8105 7236 3,547
SLEEP MED REV Sleep medicine reviews. 1087-0792 30147 1,774
SMALL RUMINANT RES Small ruminant research : the journal of the International Goat Association. 0921-4488 21524 0,555
SOC ANIM Society & animals : social scientific studies of the human experience of other animals. 1063-1119 25574 0,255
SOC HIST MED Social history of medicine : the journal of the Society for the Social History of Medicine / SSHM. 0951-631X 23320 0,366
SOC SCI COMPUT REV Social science computer review. 0894-4393 25517 0,662
SOC STUD SCI Social studies of science. 0306-3127 23174 1,069
SOCIOBIOLOGY Sociobiology. 0361-6525 21077 0,59
SOCIOL SPORT J Sociology of sport journal. 0741-1235 27177 0,615
SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM Soil biology & biochemistry. 0038-0717 21709 1,915
SOIL SCI Soil science. 0038-075X 22884 1,044
SOIL SCI SOC AM J Soil Science Society of America journal. Soil Science Society of America. 0361-5995 22892 1,524
SOLID STATE NUCL MAG Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance. 0926-2040 20201 1,453
SOMATOSENS MOT RES Somatosensory & motor research. 0899-0220 8272 1,045
SOUTH MED J Southern medical journal. 0038-4348 7555 0,622
SOUTHWEST ENTOMOL The Southwestern entomologist. 0147-1724 31725 0,346
SOUTHWEST NAT The Southwestern naturalist. 0038-4909 20755 0,209
SOZ PRAVENTIV MED Sozial- und Praventivmedizin. 0303-8408 8259 0,75

Abbreviation Journal Title ISSN NCBI ID IF 2003
SPACE COMMUN Space communications. 0924-8625 22671 0,163
SPACE SCI REV Space science reviews. 0038-6308 22616 2,036
SPATIAL VISION Spatial vision. 0169-1015 1861 0,692
SPECTROCHIM ACTA A Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. 1386-1425 20555 1,315
SPECTROSC SPECT ANAL Guang pu xue yu guang pu fen xi = Guang pu. 1000-0593 22036 0,298
SPINAL CORD Spinal cord : the official journal of the International Medical Society of Paraplegia. 1362-4393 20400 1,116
SPINE Spine. 0362-2436 7575 2,676
SPORTS MED Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) 0112-1642 7204 2,404
SPORTVERLETZ SPORTSC Sportverletzung Sportschaden : Organ der Gesellschaft fur Orthopadisch-Traumatologische Sportmedizin. 0932-0555 7665 0,243
SPRINGER SEMIN IMMUN Springer seminars in immunopathology. 0344-4325 7654 0,918
STAT METHODS MED RES Statistical methods in medical research. 0962-2802 2625 1,857
STAT NEERL Statistica Neerlandica. 0039-0402 27259 0,222
STAT SCI Statistical science : a review journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. 0883-4237 25932 1,683
STEM CELLS Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio) 1066-5099 2286 5,802
STEROIDS Steroids. 0039-128X 7596 2,444
STRAHLENTHER ONKOL Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Rontgengesellschaft ... [et al]. 0179-7158 7666 2,634
STRATIGR GEO CORREL+ Stratigraphy and geological correlation = Stratigrafiya, geologicheskaya korrelyatsiya. 0869-5938 22589 0,705
STROKE Stroke 0039-2499 7613 5,233
STRUCTURE Structure (London, England) 0969-2126 8532 5,993
STUD HIST PHILOS SCI Studies in history and philosophy of science. 0039-3681 23405 0,712
STUD MYCOL Studies in mycology. 0166-0616 21129 0,182
STUD NEOTROP FAUNA E Studies on neotropical fauna and environment. 0165-0521 20973 0,169
SUBST USE MISUSE Substance use & misuse. 1082-6084 20344 0,566
SUPPORT CARE CANCER Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer. 0941-4355 8479 1,367
SURG CLIN N AM The Surgical clinics of North America. 0039-6109 7645 1,589
SURG ENDOSC Surgical endoscopy. 0930-2794 7653 2,122
SURG LAPARO ENDO PER Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques. 1530-4515 21595 1,086
SURG NEUROL Surgical neurology. 0090-3019 7656 0,871
SURG ONCOL Surgical oncology. 0960-7404 2622 1,725
SURG RADIOL ANAT Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA. 0930-1038 7652 0,307

Abbreviation Journal Title ISSN NCBI ID IF 2003
SURG TODAY Surgery today. 0941-1291 2118 0,528
SURGERY Surgery. 0039-6060 7662 2,611
SURV OPHTHALMOL Survey of ophthalmology. 0039-6257 7667 3,096
SWISS MED WKLY Swiss medical weekly : official journal of the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine, the Swiss Society of Pneumology. 1424-7860 22290 1,162
SYDOWIA Sydowia. 0082-0598 20358 0,405
SYMBIOSIS Symbiosis. 0334-5114 21173 0,606
SYNAPSE Synapse (New York, N.Y.) 0887-4476 7679 2,924
SYNTHESE Synthese. 0039-7857 25144 0,273
SYST APPL MICROBIOL Systematic and applied microbiology. 0723-2020 8525 1,914
SYST BIOL Systematic biology. 1063-5157 8713 7,74
SYST BOT Systematic botany. 0363-6445 8712 1,974
SYST ENTOMOL Systematic entomology. 0307-6970 8598 1,432
SYST PARASITOL Systematic parasitology. 0165-5752 21570 0,642

Abbreviation Journal Title ISSN NCBI ID IF 2003
T AM FISH SOC Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 0002-8487 20770 1,327
T ASAE Transactions of the ASAE. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 0001-2351 22530 0,563
T ROY SOC TROP MED H Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 0035-9203 7828 2,114
TALANTA Talanta. 0039-9140 22720 2,091
TAXON Taxon. 0040-0262 20805 1,013
TEACH LEARN MED Teaching and learning in medicine. 1040-1334 21959 0,479
TELECOMMUN POLICY Telecommunications policy. 0308-5961 27212 0,849
TELEMED J E-HEALTH Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association. 1530-5627 21916 1,088
TELLUS B Tellus. Series B, Chemical and physical meteorology. 0280-6509 22534 2,586
TERATOGEN CARCIN MUT Teratogenesis, carcinogenesis, and mutagenesis. 0270-3211 7705 0,796
TERATOLOGY Teratology. 0040-3709 7704 2,013
TETRAHEDRON Tetrahedron. 0040-4020 7706 2,641
TETRAHEDRON LETT Tetrahedron letters. 0040-4039 7707 2,326
TEX HEART I J Texas Heart Institute journal / from the Texas Heart Institute of St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Texas Children's Hospital. 0730-2347 2254 0,358
TEX J SCI The Texas journal of science. 0040-4403 26757 0,275
TEXT RES J Textile research journal : publication of Textile Research Institute, Inc. and the Textile Foundation. 0040-5175 8716 0,473
THEOR APPL GENET TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik. 0040-5752 8295 2,287
THEOR POPUL BIOL Theoretical population biology. 0040-5809 7717 2,261
THER APHER DIAL Therapeutic apheresis : official journal of the International Society for Apheresis and the Japanese Society for Apheresis. 1091-6660 21206 1,229
THER DRUG MONIT Therapeutic drug monitoring. 0163-4356 7634 2,372
THERAPIE Therapie. 0040-5957 7723 0,467
THERIOGENOLOGY Theriogenology. 0093-691X 3381 1,839
THORAC CARDIOV SURG The Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon. 0171-6425 7731 0,983
THORAX Thorax. 0040-6376 7730 4,188
THROMB HAEMOSTASIS Thrombosis and haemostasis. 0340-6245 7724 4,95
THROMB RES Thrombosis research. 0049-3848 7735 1,71
THYROID Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association. 1050-7256 2219 2,08
TIERARZTL PRAX Tierarztliche Praxis. 0303-6286 7749 0,985
TIERARZTL UMSCHAU Tierarztliche Umschau. 0049-3864 3369 0,222
TIJDSCHR DIERGENEESK Tijdschrift voor diergeneeskunde. 0040-7453 7744 0,15

Abbreviation Journal Title ISSN NCBI ID IF 2003
TISSUE ANTIGENS Tissue antigens. 0001-2815 7755 1,737
TISSUE CELL Tissue & cell. 0040-8166 7756 0,942
TISSUE ENG Tissue engineering. 1076-3279 21134 3,201
TOB CONTROL Tobacco control. 0964-4563 20367 3,164
TOHOKU J EXP MED The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine. 0040-8727 7759 0,371
TOXICOL APPL PHARM Toxicology and applied pharmacology. 0041-008X 7769 2,851
TOXICOL IN VITRO Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA. 0887-2333 21528 1,642
TOXICOL IND HEALTH Toxicology and industrial health. 0748-2337 7771 0,508
TOXICOL LETT Toxicology letters. 0378-4274 7774 2,224
TOXICOL MECH METHOD Toxicology mechanisms and methods. 1537-6524 31822 0,318
TOXICOL PATHOL Toxicologic pathology. 0192-6233 7328 1,23
TOXICOL SCI Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology. 1096-6080 20941 3,067
TOXICOLOGY Toxicology. 0300-483X 7770 2,061
TOXICON Toxicon : official journal of the International Society on Toxinology. 0041-0101 7772 2,02
TRACE ELEM ELECTROLY Trace elements in medicine. 0174-7371 27469 0,711
TRAFFIC Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark) 1398-9219 21894 6,207
TRANSFUS APHER SCI Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis. 1473-0502 25463 0,853
TRANSFUS CLIN BIOL Transfusion clinique et biologique : journal de la Societe francaise de transfusion sanguine. 1246-7820 2569 1,367
TRANSFUS MED REV Transfusion medicine reviews. 0887-7963 2066 1,667
TRANSFUSION Transfusion. 0041-1132 7833 2,926
TRANSFUSION MED Transfusion medicine (Oxford, England) 0958-7578 2492 1,739
TRANSGENIC RES Transgenic research. 0962-8819 2428 2,587
TRANSPL IMMUNOL Transplant immunology. 0966-3274 8537 1,075
TRANSPLANT INT Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation. 0934-0874 1382 1,204
TRANSPLANT P Transplantation proceedings. 0041-1345 7835 0,588
TRANSPLANTATION Transplantation. 0041-1337 7838 3,608
TRANSPORT THEOR STAT Transport theory and statistical physics. 0041-1450 22619 0,397
TRAV HUMAIN Le Travail humain. 0041-1868 29686 0,2
TREE PHYSIOL Tree physiology. 0829-318X 20662 2,087
TREES-STRUCT FUNCT Trees (Berlin, Germany : West) 0931-1890 21086 1,136

Abbreviation Journal Title ISSN NCBI ID IF 2003
TRENDS BIOCHEM SCI Trends in biochemical sciences. 0968-0004 7837 14,273
TRENDS BIOTECHNOL Trends in biotechnology. 0167-7799 1560 7,517
TRENDS CARDIOVAS MED Trends in cardiovascular medicine. 1050-1738 21207 4,517
TRENDS CELL BIOL Trends in cell biology. 0962-8924 21041 19,612
TRENDS COGN SCI Trends in cognitive sciences. 1364-6613 21214 7,528
TRENDS ECOL EVOL Trends in ecology & evolution (Personal edition) 0169-5347 20449 12,449
TRENDS ENDOCRIN MET Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM. 1043-2760 21213 7,85
TRENDS GENET Trends in genetics : TIG. 0168-9525 7839 12,016
TRENDS GLYCOSCI GLYC Trends in glycoscience and glycotechnology : TIGG. 0915-7352 20686 0,818
TRENDS IMMUNOL Trends in immunology. 1471-4906 22039 18,153
TRENDS MICROBIOL Trends in microbiology. 0966-842X 8474 8,16
TRENDS MOL MED Trends in molecular medicine. 1471-4914 22040 9,848
TRENDS NEUROSCI Trends in neurosciences. 0166-2236 7840 12,631
TRENDS PARASITOL Trends in parasitology. 1471-4922 21990 6,788
TRENDS PHARMACOL SCI Trends in pharmacological sciences. 0165-6147 7844 13,965
TRENDS PLANT SCI Trends in plant science. 1360-1385 20950 13,405
TROP ANIM HEALTH PRO Tropical animal health and production. 0049-4747 7846 0,258
TROP DOCT Tropical doctor. 0049-4755 7849 0,347
TROP MED INT HEALTH Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH. 1360-2276 20323 2,156
TUBERCULOSIS Tuberculosis (Edinburgh, Scotland) 1472-9792 22291 1,594
TUMORI Tumori. 0300-8916 7863 0,348
TURKISH J PEDIATR The Turkish journal of pediatrics. 0041-4301 7869 0,184

Abbreviation Journal Title ISSN NCBI ID IF 2003
ULTRAMICROSCOPY Ultramicroscopy. 0304-3991 7881 1,665
ULTRASCHALL MED Ultraschall in der Medizin (Stuttgart, Germany : 1980) 0172-4614 7468 1,473
ULTRASON SONOCHEM Ultrasonics sonochemistry. 1350-4177 21412 1,537
ULTRASONIC IMAGING Ultrasonic imaging. 0161-7346 7902 1,576
ULTRASONICS Ultrasonics. 0041-624X 7882 0,78
ULTRASOUND MED BIOL Ultrasound in medicine & biology. 0301-5629 7883 2,033
ULTRASTRUCT PATHOL Ultrastructural pathology. 0191-3123 7877 0,86
UNDERSEA HYPERBAR M Undersea & hyperbaric medicine : journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc. 1066-2936 2278 0,5
UNFALLCHIRURG Der Unfallchirurg. 0177-5537 7492 0,521
UPSALA J MED SCI Upsala journal of medical sciences. 0300-9734 7896 0,314
UROL CLIN N AM The Urologic clinics of North America. 0094-0143 7899 2,484
UROL ONCOL-SEMIN ORI Urologic oncology. 1078-1439 21529 1,167
UROL RES Urological research. 0300-5623 7903 1,017
UROLOGE A Der Urologe. Ausg. A. 0340-2592 7905 0,762
UROLOGY Urology. 0090-4295 7907 2,782
USER MODEL USER-ADAP User modeling and user-adapted interaction. 0924-1868 30005 4,391
USP KHIM+ Uspekhi khimii. 0042-1308 30599 2,392

Abbreviation Journal Title ISSN NCBI ID IF 2003
VACCINE Vaccine. 0264-410X 7945 3,007
VASA-J VASCULAR DIS VASA. Zeitschrift fur Gefasskrankheiten. Journal for vascular diseases. 0301-1526 7953 0,491
VASC MED Vascular medicine (London, England) 1358-863X 20939 1,247
VASC PHARMACOL Vascular pharmacology. 1537-1891 29859 1,048
VELIGER The Veliger. 0042-3211 30223 0,606
VET CLIN N AM-EQUINE The Veterinary clinics of North America. Equine practice. 0749-0739 2704 0,573
VET CLIN N AM-FOOD A The Veterinary clinics of North America. Food animal practice. 0749-0720 2708 0,691
VET CLIN N AM-SMALL The Veterinary clinics of North America. Small animal practice. 0195-5616 7981 0,757
VET CLIN PATH Veterinary clinical pathology / American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology. 0275-6382 29657 0,574
VET DERMATOL Veterinary dermatology. 0959-4493 21070 1,068
VET HUM TOXICOL Veterinary and human toxicology. 0145-6296 7989 0,44
VET IMMUNOL IMMUNOP Veterinary immunology and immunopathology. 0165-2427 7994 1,652
VET J Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997) 1090-0233 20585 1,25
VET MED-CZECH Veterinarni medicina. 0375-8427 7983 0,608
VET MICROBIOL Veterinary microbiology. 0378-1135 7990 1,571
VET OPHTHALMOL Veterinary ophthalmology. 1463-5216 22401 0,747
VET PARASITOL Veterinary parasitology. 0304-4017 7988 1,583
VET PATHOL Veterinary pathology. 0300-9858 7984 1,337
VET QUART The Veterinary quarterly. 0165-2176 7987 0,727
VET RADIOL ULTRASOUN Veterinary radiology & ultrasound : the official journal of the American College of Veterinary Radiology and the International Veterinary Radiology Association. 1058-8183 20667 0,573
VET REC The Veterinary record. 0042-4900 7986 1,172
VET RES Veterinary research. 0928-4249 2397 1,609
VET RES COMMUN Veterinary research communications. 0165-7380 7996 0,669
VET SURG Veterinary surgery : VS : the official journal of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. 0161-3499 7991 1,196
VIRAL IMMUNOL Viral immunology. 0882-8245 1357 1,942
VIRCHOWS ARCH Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology. 0945-6317 8489 2,357
VIROLOGY Virology. 0042-6822 8015 3,391
VIRUS GENES Virus genes. 0920-8569 8017 1,414
VIRUS RES Virus research. 0168-1702 7967 1,719
VISION RES Vision research. 0042-6989 8019 1,958

Abbreviation Journal Title ISSN NCBI ID IF 2003
VISUAL NEUROSCI Visual neuroscience. 0952-5238 1857 1,816
VITAM HORM Vitamins and hormones. 0083-6729 8024 3,439
VITIS Vitis / herausgegeben im Auftrage der Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Rebenzuchtung Geilweilerhof. 0042-7500 20685 1,012
VOX SANG Vox sanguinis. 0042-9007 8047 1,161

Abbreviation Journal Title ISSN NCBI ID IF 2003
W INDIAN MED J The West Indian medical journal. 0043-3144 8065 0,195
WASTE MANAGE Waste management (New York, N.Y.) 0956-053X 21944 1,088
WASTE MANAGE RES Waste management & research : the journal of the International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, ISWA. 0734-242X 22239 0,462
WATER AIR SOIL POLL Water, air, and soil pollution. 0049-6979 8262 0,883
WATER ENVIRON RES Water environment research : a research publication of the Water Environment Federation. 1061-4303 21654 0,874
WATER RES Water research. 0043-1354 8618 1,812
WATER RESOUR RES Water resources research. 0043-1397 22725 1,549
WATER SCI TECHNOL Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research. 0273-1223 20264 0,71
WEED RES Weed research. 0043-1737 27039 1,056
WEED SCI Weed Science. 0043-1745 21109 1,23
WEST N AM NATURALIST Western North American naturalist / Brigham Young University. 1527-0904 21940 0,46
WESTERN J MED The Western journal of medicine. 0093-0415 8066 0,749
WESTERN J NURS RES Western journal of nursing research. 0193-9459 8072 0,51
WIEN KLIN WOCHENSCHR Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. 0043-5325 8079 0,774
WIEN TIERARZTL MONAT Wiener tierarztliche Monatsschrift. 0043-535X 8085 0,25
WILD ENVIRON MED Wilderness & environmental medicine. 1080-6032 21208 0,28
WILDLIFE RES Wildlife research (East Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic.) 1035-3712 8678 0,993
WILDLIFE SOC B Wildlife Society bulletin. 0091-7648 20668 1,098
WILSON BULL The Wilson bulletin. 0043-5643 8608 0,268
WOOD SCI TECHNOL Wood science and technology. 0043-7719 30112 0,611
WORLD J GASTROENTERO World journal of gastroenterology : WJG. 1007-9327 22315 3,318
WORLD J MICROB BIOT World journal of microbiology & biotechnology. 0959-3993 20307 0,516
WORLD J SURG World journal of surgery. 0364-2313 8075 1,909
WORLD J UROL World journal of urology. 0724-4983 2429 1,341
WORLD POULTRY SCI J World's poultry science journal. 0043-9339 8100 0,952
WOUND REPAIR REGEN Wound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society. 1067-1927 21119 2,074

Abbreviation Journal Title ISSN NCBI ID IF 2003
XENOBIOTICA Xenobiotica 0049-8254 8102 2,22
XENOTRANSPLANTATION Xenotransplantation. 0908-665X 8561 2,437

Abbreviation Journal Title ISSN NCBI ID IF 2003
YAKUGAKU ZASSHI Yakugaku zasshi. Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. 0031-6903 5165 0,319
YEARB PHYS ANTHROPOL Yearbook of physical anthropology. 0096-848X 21111 2,786
YONSEI MED J Yonsei medical journal. 0513-5796 8109 0,417

Abbreviation Journal Title ISSN NCBI ID IF 2003
Z GASTROENTEROL Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie. 0044-2771 8128 1,076
Z GERONTOL GERIATR Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie. 0948-6704 8764 0,629
Z JAGDWISS Zeitschrift fur Jagdwissenschaft. 0044-2887 21190 0,167
Z KARDIOL Zeitschrift fur Kardiologie. 0300-5860 8140 0,935
Z ORTHOP GRENZGEB Zeitschrift fur Orthopadie und ihre Grenzgebiete. 0044-3220 8162 0,537
Z PFLANZENK PFLANZEN Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz. 0340-8159 21547 0,286
Z PSYCHOSOM MED PSYC Zeitschrift fur Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie. 1438-3608 26738 1,255
Z RHEUMATOL Zeitschrift fur Rheumatologie. 0340-1855 8175 0,531
ZH OBSHCH BIOL Zhurnal obshchei biologii. 0044-4596 8244 0,475
ZH VYSSH NERV DEYAT+ Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova. 0044-4677 8248 0,351
ZOO BIOL Zoo biology. 0733-3188 21016 0,416
ZOOL ANZ Zoologischer Anzeiger. 0044-5231 21971 0,679
ZOOL J LINN SOC-LOND Zoological journal of the Linnean Society. 0024-4082 20282 1,524
ZOOL SCI Zoological science. 0289-0003 2283 0,99
ZOOL SCR Zoologica scripta. 0300-3256 20960 1,477
ZOOL STUD Zoological studies (Taipei, Taiwan) 1021-5506 21137 0,533
ZOOL-ANAL COMPLEX SY Zoology (Jena, Germany) 0944-2006 26746 1,042
ZOOMORPHOLOGY Zoomorphology. 0720-213X 22769 1,156
ZYGOTE Zygote (Cambridge, England) 0967-1994 8538 1,294