Intensifying screen
Hyperscreen and Kodak BioMax MS intensifying screens

1. In a dark room, place a film on top of an intensifying screen, and place sample on top of the film. The phosphor (calcium tungstate) side of the intensifying screen must face the film and sample. The beta emitters hit the phosphor to produce light.

2. Place the sandwich in a cassette and for optimal result keep the cassette in a -70 °C freezer.

3. Using intensifying screen may reduce resolution. Intensifying screen is useful for high energy radioisotope (32P and 125I), but may not help for weak and medium energy radioisotopes (3H, 14C, 33P, and 35S) since their energy is too low to penetrate the film.

4. For best result, use a double sided film when using intensifying screen.

Kodak BioMax TranScreen

1. Kodak BioMax TranScreen intensifying screen captures the beta particles prior to their being exposed to the film. The BioMax TranScreen then converts the energy from the beta particles to photons. The BioMax TranScreen needs to be sandwiched between the film and the sample.

2. Place the sandwich in a cassette and for optimal result keep the cassette in a -70 °C freezer.

3. Using intensifying screen may reduce resolution. The BioMax TranScreen intensifying screen can be used for high energy radioisotope (32P and 125I) as well as for weak and medium energy radioisotopes (3H, 14C, 33P, and 35S).