
3D structure 82 130 131
96 well 136 151 215 220 230 231 401
ABC 32
Abie 18
acetone 290 430
acetone powder 1
acetone protein powder 411
acid phenol 478
actin 514
acting staining 158
adherent cell 164
Adobe Acrobat Reader 93
affinity column 25 26
Affymetrix array 366
agarose gel 48 51 59 189 199 203 205 211 226 227 228 331 402
algicide 317
alkaline lysis 218
alkaline phosphatase 11 135 391 465
alpha-factor 186
Ames test 378 379
Amido Black 434
amino acid 41 44 57 63 71 77
amino-allyl dye coupling 328 330
ammonium acetate 214
ammonium persulfate 224
ammonium sulfate 27
ampicillin 191
amylose resin 461
anesthetizing fly 260
animal husbandry 382
annealing of oligo 190
annealing temperature 66
anti-fade 295
antibiotics 191
antibody concentration 14
antibody labeling 15 16
antibody production schedule 20 21 22 23 24
antibody purification 25 26 28 29 30 31
antibody staining 32 33 34 35 36 37
antibody storage 3
antifoam 136
antigen retrieval 286 287
aphidicolin 185
apoptosis 38 39 40
Apple Script 87
AppleScript 86
archiving old file 83
asymmetric 394
autoclave 286 301
automation 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 379
B-M cyclin 154
Bac DNA prep 348
Bacillus stearothermophilus 301
bacteria 340
bacteria smear 369
bacterial host strain 193
bacterial media 194
bacterial plates 195 196
bacterial stock 192
baculovirus 443 444 447 448 449 452 454
base pair 65
Batch file 88
BCIP 391 465
bead mill 511
benzyl benzoate 271
beta-gal activity assay 157
beta-galactosidase 466
beta-galactosidase activity 136
beta-galactosidase activity assay 136
Big Dye Terminator 237 240
BioRad 424
biotin 320 322 332
biotin coupling 5 342
BioToolKit 43 52 64 66 80 81 204 208 224 225 302 313 334 395 420 421 422 423 429
Blast 90 91 101
blood smear 288 407
blood waste 491
blue white screening 234
Bluing reagent 289
boiling 219
Boxshade 124
Bradford 424 425
BrdU 178 281
buffer exchange 370 371 372 373
butanol 221 224
c-myc tag 144
calcium chloride 197
calcium phosphate 168
capillary 251
capture screen image 92
carbencillin 191
carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester 15
Carnegie 49
CAT assay 140 467
cDNA array 366
cDNA labeling 328 329
cell count 137
cell culture sterilization 163
cell proliferation 280 281 282 283 284
cellulose phosphate filter 502
central limit theorem 506
centricon 42 370 375
centrifugation 42 43 302
centrifugation force conversion 43 302
centriprep 42
cesium chloride 221
chamber slide 138
chemical fume hood 307
chemiluminescence 241
chi-square test 504
chicken Ig Y 28
Chime 130
chloramine T 345
chloramphenicol 140 191 467
chromosome spread 141
CIP 501
classification 44 75
clone replication 230 231
cloning by FACS 142
cloning by limiting dilution 143
cloning contamination 198
cloning cylinder 147
ClustalW 109 124
Cn3D 130 131
CNBr-activated 9
cobalt 458
cobalt chloride 39
colcemid 141
colchicine 141
competent cell 197 255 256 257 258
concentrating sample 374 375
concentrating virus 452
confidence interval 503
consensus sequence 50 72 73 75 76 78
Coomasse Blue 425
Coomassie blue 434 435 436
correlation 503
cosmid DNA prep 348
counterstain 34 289
coupling to fluorochrome 343
covert to pdf 93
CPRG 136
crystal violet 162 293
CSV-G 144
cutoff 62
Cy3 328 329 330
Cy5 328 329 330
cytocentrifuge 139
DAB 32 469
DAPI 174
data filtering 357
data merge 358
database 100 104 108 121 125
dChip 368
DEAE cellulose 226
degenerate 45
degenerate sequence 412
deionized water 316
DEPC 471
dephosphorylation 200
DeRed 468
desalting 370 371
development 49
Developmental therapeutics program 285
dialysis 370 372 373
dialysis membrane 413
diaminobenzidine 32
Dideoxy Chain Termination 238 240
diethanolamine 11
digoxigenin 320 322 332
digoxigenin-dUTP 241
dimethyl pimelimidate 6 7
diphenylamine 206
disrupting yeast cell 511
distilled water 316
DNA 64 81
DNA dye 175
DNA fragmentation 38
DNA labeling 318 319 320 321 322 330 331 332
DNA marker 48
DNA staining 176 199 201 202 203 205 206
DNase I 479
DOS and Unix command 94
dot blot 439
DOTAP 170 172
dpm 333 334
DpnI 396
DPX 294
drawing chemical structure 95
drug concentration 148
dry yeast 276
dye migration 51 59
EBFP 468
EC50 278 279
ECFP 468
ECL 440
ED50 279
EGFP 468
egg collection 261
egg plate 261
electrophoresis 189
electrophoretic blot 442
electroporation 169 257 258 303 304 518
electroporation cuvette 304
Elisa 11 12 13 281
embryonic development stage 49
enhanced green fluorescent protein 468
Eosin Y 289
epitope tag 144
EST assembler 96 187 188
ethanol 290 299 431
ethanol precipitation 323
ethanolamine 6 7 9 158
ethidium bromide 189 199 221
ethidium bromide decontamination 494
ethonal precipitation 214
evolution tree 97
Excel macro 84
Excel table 85
ExoI 405
exonuclease I 405
extinction coefficient 52
EYFP 468
FACS 37 40 142 143 179
Factor Xa 450
filter assay 510
filter binding 324
fix 19 290 299 300
fixation solution 290
Flag 144
fluor-coated TLC plate 207
fluorescein isothiocyanate 16
fluorescein-dUTP 39
fluorometer 201 202
Flurescein labeling 15 16
fly 264 267 268 270 271 273 274 275
fly food 267 269
fly male and female 263
fly stock 262
fly trap 266
flynap 260
food recipe 267
formaldehyde 290 291
formaldehyde-agarose gel 472
formalin 34 290 291 300
fosmid DNA prep 348
four-parameter logistic function 278
freeze-dry 376
freezer 314
freezing cells 149 160 192 446
freezing virus 454
frozen section 35
frozen tissue section 297
FuGENE-6 171
G418 148
GC-rich 239 240
gel drying 413 414
gel purification 226 227 228 229
Gelvatol 295
GenBank 128
GenBank identifier syntax 99
gene annotation 100
gene finder 110
gene nomenclature 53 268 512
genetic code 54 55
Geneticin 148
Genius 241
genome size 56
genomic DNA prep 384
Ghostscript 129
GI50 279
Giemsa 292
glutaraldehyde 8 177 275 290
glutathione 7 456
glycerol 294 522
Godlist 358
Grab 92
Gram 293
growing bacterial cell 215
growth condition 182
GST 456
guanidine hydrochloride 459
guanidinium thiocyanate 480
HA-tag 144
hazardous material 493
heat inactivation of serum 150
helper phage 347
Hematoxylin 289
hemocytometer 137
HGMD 104
hidden Markov model 101
hierarchical clustering 363
His-tag 144
histone kinase assay 180
HisTrap 457 460
HiTrap 26 28
HIV 277
HMM 101 109 121
Hoechst 156 176 201
homogenizer 305
hood 307
Hopp-Woods 57
hot phenol 481
HRP 469
HTML 102 103
HTML form 103
human disease database 104
hybridization 361
hybridization oven 306
hydrophilicity index 57
hygromycin 148 191
Hyperscreen 326
IC50 278 279
idiotype 2
iDo Script Scheduler 87
imidazole 457 458 460
immunoprecipitation 17
in vitro transcription 416 473
in vitro translation 344 416 417
inclusion body 459 460
incorporation efficiency 324 325
India ink 434
inkjet 366
instant food 269
Intensifying screen 326
intra-arterial 389
intradermal 389
intramuscular 389
intraperitoneal 389
intravenous 389
Iodination 345 346
IODO-Bead 346
IPTG 453
IsoStrip 2
isotope 327
J-express 368
J2EE 105
JAR application 106
Java 105 106
JESE 105
JRE 105
JVM 105
kanamycin 191
KEGG 108
Keyhole limpet hemocyanin 8
kinase 500
kinase activity quantitation 502
Klenow 321 322
Kodad BioMax 326
Kozak 58
Kyte-Doolittle 57
lacZ 392 466
lambda phage 352
Laminar flow hood 307
LD50 279
library insert 349 398
life cycle 273 393
ligation 209 210
limiting dilution 143
linear regression 278 505
liposomal 170
liquid sporulation 513
Lithium acetate 519 520
Lithium chloride 214 482
Living Colors 468
loading buffer 59
Local Blast 91
long product 397
Lowry 427 428
luciferase 470
luciferase activity assay 151
luminometer 151 470
lyophilization 376
lysozyme 219
Mac OS 86 87 94 106 118
mail sample 60
male and female 61 263 383
maltose 461
maltose binding protein 461
mass spectrometry 107
mating 270
maxiprep 221 222
mean 503
median 503
medium 134
medium adaptation 134
MEGAscript 473
melting temperature 66
membrane 36
membrane array 366
mercury spill 492
metabolic pathway database 108
methanol 290
methylene blue 203
microarray 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 507
microarray explorer 365 368
microarray slide 367
Microcon 62 403
MicroHelper 357 358 359 360
microsequencing 433
microwave 287
Milli-Q 316
minimum promoter sequence 79
miniprep 218 219 220 223
missing data fill-in 359
mitochondria 54
mitotic shake-off 183
MOI 153
molasses 261
molecular weight 63 64 81
molecular weight conversion 81
monoisotopic 63
motor brush 302
mount 294 295
mounting medium 294 295
mouse 382 383 384
mouse diet 385
mouse embryo 391 392
mouse food supplier 388
mouse injection 389
mouse life cycle 393
mouse numbering system 386
mouse sex 390
mouse swab 377
mouse tail 384
Mowiol 295
MS-DOS 88 94 106
MSDS 495
MUG 136
mutation 406
mycoplasma 155
mycoplasma cure 154
mycoplasma test 155 156
NA-45 226
native 419 420 421
NBT 391 465
NCBI 90 127
NCI 285
nearest neighbor 66
nematode 133
neonatal care 382
NHS-biotin 342
nick translation 319 320
nickel 457 460
NIH 285
nitroblue tetrazolium 162
nocodazole 184
non-detergent sulfobetaines 455
non-liposomal 171
normal distribution 506
normalization 360
Northern 472 474
nuclease-free water 471
nuclei staining 174
nucleoside 65
nucleotide 45 65
number of genes 56
OD 204 208 313 429
oligo 52 66 190
oligo array 366
oligo-dT 483
oligotex 484
OMIN 104
one step RT-PCR 488
ONPG 157
ORF finder 110
orthophosphoric acid 339
outlier 507
p-nitrophenyl phosphate 11
p-phenylenediamine 295
p-value 503
Pac DNA prep 348
PAGE 224 225 229 253 337 413 414 415 418 419 420 421 422 423 435 436 442
paired t-test 509
paraffin block 298
paraffin embedding 296
paraformaldehyde 19 291
passage 444
patch grid 216
PCF 47
PCR 66 155 272 332 349 354 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 406 407 408 409 488
PCR cleanup 401 402 403 404 405
PD-10 371
PDB 82
pdf 129
Pearson correlation 503
PEG 452
peptide 10 18 67
peptide antibody design 18
peptide bond 67
peptide coupling 8 9
peptide substrate 500
Perl 83 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
peroxidase 12 469
Pfam 121
pfu 153
pH indicator 69
pH meter 309
pH paper 310
phage clone 350 351
phage DNA prep 352
phage host cell 356
phage infection 356
phage insert 349
phage library screen 354 355
phage storage 350 351
phalloidin 158 514
phenol 250 511 515 516
phosphate buffer chart 70
phospho-antibody 29
phosphodiester bond 67
Pico green 202
pKa 71
plaque assay 448
plaque purification 449
plasmid transformation 255 256 257 258
poly-L-lysine 159
poly-l-lysine 367
polyA 72 483 484
PolyA tailing 475
polyacrylamide 337
polyacrylamide gel 51 59 212 213 224 225 413 414 415 419 420 421 422 423 435 436 442
polyacrylamide urea gel 213
polyadenylation signal 72
Ponceau S 434
population size 503
postscript file 129
primer 47
Primo 66 408
print screen 92
probe purification 336 337 338
promoter sequence 73
propyl gallate 295
protease 74 75
protease inhibitor 74
proteasome overlay 380
protein 52 64 81 412 415 433 434
protein A 4 6 17 30
protein A/G 4
protein concentration 424 425 426 427 428 429
protein coupling 5 6 7 8 9
protein data bank 82
protein dephosphorylation 501
Protein explorer 130
protein expression 453 455
protein expression screen 462
protein G 4 6 17 31
protein kinase 50
protein labeling 152 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346
protein localization 76
protein phosphorylation 339
protein precipitation 27 430 431 432
protein purification 450 451 456 457 458 459 460 461
protein staining 434 435 436 437 438
PubMed 123
puromycin 148
PVDV 433
Qiagen 222 223 227
Qiaquick 404
quarantine 264 271
quick ligation 210
R 508
rabbit reticulocyte lysate 417
RACE 187 188
radiation protection 496
radioactive waste 497
random labeling 321 322
random mutagenesis 409
range of separation 211 212 213 415
RasMol 130
reagent list 463
recipe 267 464
recipe calculator 420 421 422 423
recycle 304
refodling 460
refolding 455 459
restriction digestion 132 232
reverse transcriptase 277
reverse transcription 187 188 476
ribosomal RNA 477
RNA 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 488 489 515 516
RNA interference 489
RNA protection 487
RNA purification 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486
RNA staining 199 205
RNase A 487
RNase T1 487
Rneasy 485
RT-PCR 488
S phase 178
salmon sperm DNA 233
Salmonella typhimurium 378 379
sample labeling 362
sample size 503
SAP 200 405
SAS 508
Scheduled task 89
scintillation counter 277 280 308 333 334 467 470 499
screening for insertion 235 236
SDS-PAGE 422 423
secondary structure 122
secreted alkaline phosphatase 135
section 34 35 297 298
semidry transfer 442
Sephadex column 338
Sequenase 238 240
sequencing 47 237 238 239 240 433
serum 150 161
serum starvation 161 182
Sf21 445 446
Sf9 445 446
shading 124
shaker 311
shrimp alkaline phosphatase 405
Sigmoidal 278
silica bead 228
silver 437
single clone 399 400
single fly 272
single letter code 45 77
siRNA 489
site-directed mutagenesis 396
Slide-A-Lyzer 370 373
Smac 390
SNP 125
sodium acetate 214
sodium chloride 214
sodium phosphate 70
soft agar assay 162
sonication 233 312
sonicator 312
Southern 241 242 243 244 355
Southern transfer 244 251 252 253 254
Sp6 79
spectrometer 204 208 313 429
spheroplast 511 517 521
spinner 445
splicing 78
splicing signal 78
Splus 508
spore test 301
sporulation 513
stab 245 246
stab culture 245
stab stock 246
stable cell line 145 146 147 148
staining 176 177 275
standard deviation 503
statistics 503
sterilization 247
stock solution 46
storage 443
streaking 248
streptomycin 191
stripping 243 441
structure 41 65 82 95 130 131
subculture 164 165
subcutaneous 389
sulforhodamine B 282
suspension cell 165 172
SYBR 205
symbol 61
synchronization 181 182 183 184 185 186
t-test 509
T3 79
T4 ligase 209
T4 polynucleotide kinase 318
T7 79
TA cloning 259
table of elements 68
TCA 432
TCA precipitation 325
TCID 153
TE-saturation 250
Tegosept 261
terminal transferase 39 249
tetracycline 191
tetramethylbenzidine 12
tetrazolium 283
TGI 279
thawing frozen cell 166
thin layer chromatography 467
thrombin 451
thymidine 178 181 184 280
tissue culture 341
tissue culture waste 167
tissue fixation 299 300
TLC 467
TLC plate 207
TMB 469
TNT 416
TOC 316
total organic carbon 316
transfection 168 169 170 171 172
transformation 518 519 520 521
translation 126
translation initiation 58
TreeView 364
Trizol 486
trypan blue 137
Trypsin-EDTA 164 173
TUNEL 39 40
Unigene 127
unit 80
universal 55
Unix 94
urea 225 459
UV 429
UV absorbance 204 208 313
UV crosslink 251
UV protection 498
UV shadowing 207 337
vacuum 254 315
vacuum blotter 414
vacuum pump 315
vacuum trap 315
variance 503
VCSM13 347
VecScreen 128
Vectamount 294
Vectashield 294
Vectastain 32
vector 128
vector sequence 128
view 3D structure 130
view 3D structure on Mac 131
virgin 274
virginal plug 382
virus infection 447
virus stock 443 444
vitamin C 295
VMD 130
waning 382
waste 167 491 492 497
water 316
waterbath 317
web restriction digestion 132
Weigerts iodine 293
Western 439 440 441
Western transfer 442
wet mount 381
Whatman DE81 324
Whatman GF/C glass-fiber disc 325
Whatman P81 502
wipe test 499
worm 133
Wu-Blast 90
X-gal 196 234 392
X-gal staining 177 275
Xenometrix 379
XL1-Blue (MRF) 347
XTT-tetrazolium 284
yeast 185 186 400 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521
yeast medium 523
yeast paste 276
yeast RNA prep 515 516
yeast stock 522
YP 523
YPD 523
Zeocin 148